Distributed I/O Module 4 RTD channel input (2 or 3 wires) : Pt100, Pt1000, Ni100, Ni1000; Resistance (2 or 3 wires); Potentiometer (nominal value : Low: for 20..... to 500 Ohm; High : for 20...to 2000 Ohm). Baud rate 38.4 Kbps, Max. distance: 1.2 Km. Power supply: 10...30Vdc. Galvanic insulation : 2000Vac 50Hz., 1 min. RS485 MODBUS-RTU communication protocol.
The DAT 3014 device is able to acquire up to 4 analogue input signals. The data are transmitted with MODBUS RTU/MODBUS ASCII protocol on the RS-485 network (RS-232 interface is available).
It is possible to connect on input RTD, Potentiometer or Resistance sensor.
The device guarantees high accuracy and stable measure versus time and temperature.
To ensure the plant safety, two Watch-Dog timer alarms are provided.
The isolation between the parts of circuit removes eventual ground-loop effects, allowing the use of the device even in the heavy environmental conditions.
The DAT 3014 is in compliance with the Directive 2004/108/EC on the electromagnetic compatibility.
The DAT 3014 is in compliance with the Directive UL 61010-1 for US market and with the Directive CSA C22.2 No 61010-1 for the Canadian market.
The device is housed in a rough self-extinguishing plastic container which, thanks to its thin profile of 17.5mm only, allows a high density mounting on EN-50022 standard DIN rail.