The Nemo D4-DC is a multi-function power meter designed for monitoring DC power supplies. Higher ranges available using external adapters and DC current Shunts. Output has two alarm relay outputs, the communications protocols are pulse output and RS485 Communications.
PULSE OUTPUT (only MF6DC4200H - MF6DC42006)
Pulse weight: 0,1 – 1 – 10 – 100kWh
Pulse duration: 50 – 100 – 200 – 300ms
Direct input: 10…300V
Via external adapter: Up to 1500V**
Input: direct or from external shunt
Direct: 0…10A
Instantaneous overload: 10In/0,5 s
With shunt: 60 – 100 – 150mV
Shunt primary: 1…9999 (programmable)
Current direct input voltage drop: ≤ 100mV (In10A)
Displayed Parameters
- Voltage
- Current
- Power
- Average power
- Peak maximum demand
- Working hours and minutes
- Positive energy
- Negative energy
- Positive and negative ampere-hour