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RI-F421 is a Network monitor for low voltage 96x96mm
Connection: single –phase and three-phase network, 3 and 4-wire
Connection with external dedicated current transformers
Three-phase voltage rating Un: 400V
Three-phase voltage: 80...500V (phase-phase)
Single-phase voltage rating Un: 230V
Single-phase voltage: 50...290V
External VT ratio: 1...10 (max. VT primary 1200V)
Current rating In: 5A – 1A
Max. current Imax: 1,2In
Instantaneous overload: 20In/0,5s
External CT ratio: 1...9999 (max. CT primary 50kA/5A – 10kA/1A)
Frequency rating fn: 50Hz – 400Hz (automatic selection)
Tolerance: 45...65Hz (fn 50Hz) – 360...440Hz (fn 400Hz)
Type of measurement: true RMS value
Harmonic content: up to 50h harmonic
Peak factor: 2 (current only)
Start time (energy count): < 5s
Voltage rated burden: 0,1VA (neutral-phase to voltage rating)
Current rated burden: 1VA (each phase to max. current 6A)
Pulse output according to SO EN / IEC 62053-31
Optorelay with potential-free SPST-NO contact
Contact range: 27Vdc/ac - 50 mA
Assignable energy: active or reactive energy
Pulse weight: 10Wh(varh) - 100Wh(varh) - 1kWh(kvarh) - 100kWh(kvarh) - 1MWh(Mvarh) - 10MWh(Mvarh)
Pulse length: 50 - 100 - 200 - 300 - 400 - 500ms
Galvanically insulated from input and auxiliary supply
Standard: RS485 - 3 wires
Transmission: asynchronous serial
Protocol: Modbus RTU - Modbus TCP (auto-recognition)
Number of address: 1...255
Number of bits: 8
Stop bit: 8
Parity bit: none - even - odd
Query response time: ≤ 100ms
Time out: 3...100ms
Transmission speed: 4'800 - 9'600 - 19'200 - 38'400 bits/second
Modbus word message format: Big Endian, Little Endian, Swap
Example Request message: FF 03 03 01 00 02 80 51
Big Endian = FF 03 04 01 02 03 04 XX YY
Little Endian = FF 03 04 04 03 02 01 XX YY
Swap = FF 03 04 03 04 01 02 XX YY
Max. number of devices that can be network-connected: 32 (up to 255 with RS485 repeater)
Max. distance from the supervisor: 1200m